Source code for sparse.relaxation.basis_pursuit

Basis Pursuit (BP) solvers tackle the original :math:`P_0` problem
:eq:`p0_approx` by posing L1-relaxation on the norm of unknown :math:`\vec{x}`.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: toctree/relaxation/



import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular
from scipy.optimize import linprog

from sparse.relaxation.utils import soft_shrinkage, negligible_improvement

[docs]def basis_pursuit_linprog(A, b, max_iters=100): r""" Basis Pursuit solver for the :math:`P_1` problem .. math:: \min_x \|x\|_1 \quad \text{s.t.} \ \boldsymbol{A} \vec{x} = \vec{b} :label: bp via linear programming. `scipy.optimize.linprog` is used to solve the linear programming task. Parameters ---------- A : (N, M) np.ndarray The input weight matrix :math:`\boldsymbol{A}`. b : (N,) np.ndarray The right side of the equation :eq:`bp`. tol : float The accuracy tolerance of linprog. Returns ------- x : (M,) np.ndarray :math:`\vec{x}`, the solution to :eq:`bp`. """ # We convert the problem by splitting x into the # positive and negative entries x=u-v, u,v>=0. # # The solution is returned in the vector x. # Set the options to be used by the linprog solver opt = {"maxiter": max_iters, "disp": False} A = np.asarray(A, dtype=np.float32) x_dim = A.shape[1] A_extended = np.c_[A, -A] coefficients_x = np.ones(A_extended.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) res = linprog(c=coefficients_x, A_eq=A_extended, b_eq=b, options=opt) x_extended = res.x x = x_extended[: x_dim] - x_extended[x_dim:] return x
[docs]def basis_pursuit_admm(A, b, lambd, tol=1e-4, max_iters=100, cholesky=False): r""" Basis Pursuit solver for the :math:`Q_1^\epsilon` problem .. math:: \min_x \frac{1}{2} \left|\left| \boldsymbol{A}\vec{x} - \vec{b} \right|\right|_2^2 + \lambda \|x\|_1 via the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Parameters ---------- A : (N, M) np.ndarray The input weight matrix :math:`\boldsymbol{A}`. b : (N,) np.ndarray The right side of the equation :math:`\boldsymbol{A}\vec{x} = \vec{b}`. lambd : float The soft-shrinkage threshold :math:`\lambda`, controls the sparsity of :math:`\vec{x}`. tol : float The accuracy tolerance of ADMM. max_iters : int Run for at most `max_iters` iterations. cholesky : bool Whether to use the Cholesky factorization (slow, but stable) or the inverse (fast, but might be unstable) of a matrix. Returns ------- v : (M,) np.ndarray The solution vector :math:`\vec{x}`. """ # Compute the vector of inner products between the atoms and the signal A_dot_b = # In the x-update step of the ADMM we use the Cholesky factorization for # solving efficiently a given linear system Ax=b. The idea of this # factorization is to decompose a symmetric positive-definite matrix A # by A = L*L^T = L*U, where L is a lower triangular matrix and U is # its transpose. Given L and U, we can solve Ax = b by first solving # Ly = b for y by forward substitution, and then solving Ux = y # for x by back substitution. # To conclude, given A and b, where A is symmetric and positive-definite, # we first compute L using Matlab's command L = chol( A, 'lower' ); # and get U by setting U = L'; Then, we obtain x via x = U \ (L \ b); # Note that the matrix A is fixed along the iterations of the ADMM # (and so as L and U). Therefore, in order to reduce computations, # we compute its decomposition once. # Compute the Cholesky factorization of M = CA'*CA + I for fast # computation of the x-update. Use Matlab's chol function and produce a # lower triangular matrix L, satisfying the equation M = L*L' M = + np.eye(A.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) if cholesky: L = np.linalg.cholesky(M) else: M_inv = np.linalg.inv(M) # Initialize v v = np.zeros(A.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) # Initialize u, the dual variable of ADMM u = np.zeros(A.shape[1], dtype=np.float32) # Initialize the previous estimate of v, used for convergence test v_prev = v.copy() # main loop for i in range(max_iters): # x-update via Cholesky factorization. Solve the linear system # (CA'*CA + I)x = (CAtb + v - u) b_eff = A_dot_b + v - u if cholesky: # safe, slow y = solve_triangular(L, b_eff, trans=0, lower=True) x = solve_triangular(L, y, trans=2, lower=True) else: # unsafe, fast x = # v-update via soft thresholding v = soft_shrinkage(x + u, lambd=lambd) # u-update according to the ADMM formula u = u + x - v # Check if converged if negligible_improvement(v, v_prev, tol=tol): break # Save the previous estimate in v_prev v_prev = v.copy() return v